On The Road Again


IMG_8519 It’s that time of year when I hit the road to the Carolinas. I’ve banked a few reviews and put them in the hopper while I’m away. The site will be on auto-pilot for a little while. There will be no interruption in reviews, the Ed & Tom show or A Quick Smoke with Ed & Tom. The only change will be I won’t be replying to emails or comments for a bit.

As you’ve seen, the Don Gonzalez raffle from Duque is going great. We already have quite a few entries. If you haven’t entered yet, go HERE and enter now.

It is a busy time for the site. Monthly clicks keep going up at a steady rate. 2008 saw about 14,000 visitors for the entire year. As it sits today, around 56,000 people have clicked here so far in 2009. Before you say “Wow that is impressive!” Let me assure you that is nothing compared to some of the other sits out there. The Stogie Review, AKA my other home, sees that traffic in a very short amount of time. But still, considering this place is literally just a record keeping database of cigars I smoke, I think it is doing well.

I just locked in a very cool giveaway for October. It is a tool I use every day, and you’ve seen me use it in many reviews. I’m sure with those hints you can pretty much figure out what it is. Stay tuned on how to win one.

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